As one character states to Mila Kunis’ Ani at one point in Luckiest Girl Alive

“an approximation of honesty doesn’t make the cut.”

It’s true. Sometimes you can only get your point across if you’re bold in how you tell your story

and surprises you at every turn making creative decisions.

True, they’re not always decisions that make for a comfortable watch

but its ruthless drive to go where it needs to go is one of this movie's strongest qualities.

Based on a New York Times best-selling novel by author Jessica Knoll (who also pens the script),

Luckiest Girl Alive tells the story of a magazine writer who’s aiming to make it to the top rankings of the writing world.

The more she focuses on her steadfast race to the top,

however, the more complicated her personal life gets

A documentary about a traumatic event in her past is getting made,