When the lyrical savant Taylor Swift crooned “life is emotionally abusive

time can’t stop me quite like you did” in “Snow on the Beach,”

she was probably referring to the first 10 episodes of Manifest‘s fourth and final season,

which were released Friday on Netflix.

More specifically, we’re talking about the gut-wrenching final moments of Episode 10,

in which Zeke (played by Matt Long) used his empathic powers to absorb Cal’s (Ty Doran) leukemia

thus saving the teenager’s life but sacrificing his own in the process.

This also meant that Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh),

who began the episode in wedded bliss, was suddenly a widow.

“That was one of our flags in the sand that we knew was coming,”

series creator and showrunner Jeff Rake tells TVLine of Zeke’s death.